Almost lost a wheel

The problem is the added stress from the adapters.

They add no additional stress compared to a wheel with the same effective offset. None.

@)72bluNblu - the seat angles on the 7/16 RH lug nuts supplied with adapters are much broader than the angled seat on the factory lug nuts. This has caused me concern since the day first installed. Agree, that true cause/causes can only be speculated upon. Prior to this vehicle, wheels and adapters were on a later model drum braked car and held on with the larger seat nuts and never had an issue. Food for thought for other members using adapters held on with left hand nuts/studs.

Yup, that is definitely a reason for concern. You need a solid interface between the nut and the seat on the adaptor, and if the factory nuts don't match the ones supplied with the adaptors that can absolutely cause issues. In this particular case that definitely could have contributed, but so could the over torque, the age/history of the studs, etc.

And it very well may have been the combination of all of those factors, since none of them are exclusive.
I would have to agree.....especially on that cantilevered style adapter.

Nope. See above.