Guys this is why you work on your car trailer

If I raced more, and had the $$, I'd definitely go enclosed, with some kind of ability to sleep and eat. Hotels and restaurants are a pain. As others have mentioned, you can carry spares, tools and it provides shelter for people and the cart. Don't have to unload/load constantly. I won't even go to a hotel with my open trailer. It screams, "STEAL ME"!
@Demonx2 I wish I had indoor storage for my trailer. It kills me just sitting there a majority of the time. I'm jealous!
Nothing to be jealous about! lol. I now keep it (open trailer) outside and the Florida sun will take its toll hence why I think I'll sell it.

But I DO store my enclosed inside. Now THAT I am very grateful for! Here's a shot when I was just starting to set up my new shop. The open trailer was inside then for a while. (That's a little cargo trailer in the foreground that now sits inside the house garage.) Shop looks nothing like this now. FULL of cars, parts, benches, a lift, etc, etc. And of course junk!!