
We got 2 dogs from a rescue this spring. Our last dog we had for 16 years passed in 2022. Here’s a pic of me & Susan with little Miss Bella on the beach a few weeks ago. She’s 8 years old and had belonged to an elderly couple in Upstate SC. The lady passed away, and the gentleman was almost blind and couldn’t take care of her properly. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to give her up! She took to us very quickly and loves us just like we do her!
This one is Thurman! We got him from the same rescue. We don’t know his story, other than someone found him walking right down the middle of Wade Hampton Blvd. in Greenville, SC! 5 lane highway, and it must just not have been his time! He’s very old and has a lot of health issues, but we didn’t care. He’s a very calm and stoic old guy. Never gets excited unless food is involved, then he starts his little variety show, lol. We’re trying to make his last years the best ones he’s had. Looking at these pics, I guess y’all can tell we’re Shitzoo lovers!