Have you ever lost

@rbkt65 that is one drop-dead gorgeous wagon - I'm jealous!

But to the topic at hand, I'm right there with you and it is clear this club has many members. I started buying Mopars nine years ago when I retired. I recall thinking I'll never tire of working and tinkering on them. Haha, was I ever wrong about that. I now have nine of them (at least three, maybe four are parts cars). Of the others, none is on the road at the moment. Some of them are relatively simple fixes but it's a snowball deal. I need to get one fixed to get the next fixed, and so forth. Then at times I get disgusted and leave them all sitting for months or years. I find working on them to be less attractive any more than driving them.

I'm going to put the ball in motion and finish the first roadblock then get the next two easy fixes running again. After that some of these are going to find a new home if for no other reason than to simplify my life. Keeping 4-5 old cars running is becoming more of a chore than fun.