
We have Tiger. She just wandered up with a badly injured and infected eye. Had to have it removed, but she's the sweetest cat. It's like they know you're helping them.
You get attached to them fast.
I named our cat ALF, not for the TV show, but a acronym for Annoying Little Fu#%er.

We had a mouse in the house, and my buddy was making fun of the cat, saying he was worthless, could not catch a mouse.
I looked at him and said, if my wife would take his collar off that has a bell on it, at least give the one-eye cat a chance to catch the mouse.
That night my wife removed his collar, and he caught the mouse.

Karma came back to my buddy, he ended up getting a mouse in his house, and wanted to borrow my worthless cat.

I just laughed and said sure, but he has to wear his collar.