Have you ever lost

First , I love that wagon !!
I developed pybroalgia rheumatica (spelling) , from my heart doctor keeping me on statin drugs , he wouldnt listen to me telling him they were affecting my muscles and joints , I finally quit taking them and my family doc. had my blood tested to confirm , it got so bad I could not turn the steering wheel on my riding lawnmower , ''better now.'' If he cant come up with something else for hi cholesterol , I `m finding a diff. heart doc...
I pretty much lost all interest in both my toys during that couple of yrs. still not back into it all the way either ...
The doctor put me on Statin drugs, although I did not have heart issue or any other
reason or numbers that could justify them. I think that at a certain age he gives them
to everyone.
Well, I got so I could only walk a couple step without falling down and the cramps were
so bad it was very hard to sleep.
I quit them and in a few weeks = I was FINE!

Well, I thought I was the only Old Fart on this site with multiple issues. However, some
of these posts bring me to tears right now,

God is always Good!