Almost lost a wheel

Seem to be two distinct groups of thought on here. It's all the adapters fault and the substandard installation crowd. To the adapters are bad crowd, even though the adapter didn't fail, I say I agree 1000%

To the group who fault my substandard installation, with inappropriate shortcuts taken, I ask what ever happened to lying in support of a fellow car buddy ! I thought this was a support group ???

So, we're supposed to overlook your mistakes and just tell you it's all the spacers fault so you feel good? Well, it wasn't the spacers fault. Incorrect torque, the wrong lug nuts for the spacers, and the unknown history of the studs themselves are likely to blame for the failure. That's not a personal attack on you, those are just the facts.

Everyone makes mistakes, I've certainly made plenty. Support isn't blindly telling you it's not your fault. It's showing you what you did wrong, so you learn, and don't make the same mistakes again.

Properly installed those spacers are safe, and spacers similar to those are on dually trucks and semi's by the millions. Blaming the spacers so you feel good about yourself just isn't reality. What you should take out of this is the proper way to install and maintain those spacers so that you don't have a catastrophic failure that injures you or others.

If you decide that you don't like spacers and don't want to use them going forward that's fine too, I've got no dog in that fight. But don't just blame the spacers for an improper installation and refuse to learn from your mistakes.