'70 Dart Glove Box Liner Replacement

Yes, I assumed it was off, and I shouldn't.
I learned that trick in 1973, when I was 16...lol. My 70 Duster that I bought off a used car lot came with a glove box liner that was split out so bad it wouldn't hold air. I got it part of the way out, and figured out if I took the door off it would be easier. It sure was! I found some carboard the same thickness in the scrap bin at work and asked my manager if I could have it. He just looked at me funny and said, sure! I took my old raggedy glove box liner apart at the seam, laid it on my new found cardboard and traced around it, plus marked all of the folds. I had it cut out (used my Moms sewing scissors) and folded in just a few minutes. I took all the fasteners and clips off the old one and installed them on my repro. That thing went in and worked like a charm! I also figured out that having stubby screwdrivers for the job was good too!