Guys this is why you work on your car trailer

There are many things to consider when purchasing trailer tires. Too many people do not check the speed rating on trailer tires or just do not care. Most trailer tires are rated at 62 mph. You usually have to look and pay more for a higher rated tire. You may not need the extra speed, but also consider it an extra margin of safety, both for you and the other people on the roadway. My last fifth wheel came with E rated 16" wheels. The first thing I did was buy a set of five Alcoa 17.5" wheels and some H rated tires with a 87 mph speed rating. I did not need the higher speed, but I felt it added a layer of safety. Also, once a tire is five years old, it is replaced, be it on a car, pickup, or a trailer.

Long story short, buy quality tires with appropriate load and speed ratings and take care of them.