Have you ever lost

I did quit cold turkey and walked away from Drag Racing
at the Winternationals in 1977. The 1964's Max Wedge went
to Ray Christian's shop in Ohio and the 70 Roadrunner 440/6
to Abe Lowen in Canada. Both of them are still on the track still
today I believe.

My lack of interest was very simple. I had spent Ten of Thousand dollars
racing (That was MONEY back them). I had just gotten Married and getting
rid of all the stuff and quitting really was necessary.

I still kept my interest in Mopars and helped my collection friends a lot.

However, I never went to a race or even watched it on TV. By the late 80's
I was in the Boat Business and was racing boats for customers and testing
new designs. I had a crash (1991) in testing a new design at 100++ and severed my
left foot at the ankle! When I got out of the Hospital, I called my old friend and
bought back my 1970 Duster. I was finished with Boats!

While still in a wheelchair, I built an engine and got the old Duster back running.
I then won the 1992 Gambler Nationals with it while still in a walker.

I had never been a religious guy, but while flying in the flight for life Helicopter:
I committed my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I told him = If I live 5 more minutes or 50 more years, I will follow you!

It has been 33 years since then