Ultimate swap confirmation

The trans Does NOT have to come down to swap the TO fork.
The fork comes out easily enough with just a tug.
To get it back in, it only takes a careful alignment then a heavy bop to get it started, then a final push. I have done this many times.

Great advice AJ : the fork has been changed without removing the transmission.
The '71 Demon fork is effectively longer than the '66 Barracuda one.
Once it has been changed, the fork rod was well in line with the fork hole.
My mechanic had to slighlty modify the ball-stud location onto the BH, but now it's ok.
They tested the car on the road and they told that the 833 seems to works fine :p

In addition, the swaybar bushings have been replaced too.

I will go to pick-up the car at the garage in the afternoon....

:thankyou: all for your clever advices

PS : next step, installing the reverse warning light under the dashboard :)