Have you ever lost

I hear ya! I had a triple bypass in 2017 during Hurricane Harvey... They put me on big Statin and blood thinner. Get a scratch and I bleed like a pig. and bruise bad. Muscle strength has been going downhill for years. I tell my family doc and he just says I am old! I went to a joint/bone doc. No issues. I finally find a nerve doc. He goes ape chit about Statins. Says I have to be off at least 6 months to show if that is the issues. (Statins can cause muscle atrophy in a small % of people). I went to a different nerve doc and he schedules me for a muscle biopsy next week. He said that is what the first nerve doc SHOULD have done! I just bounce from one doc to the next!! for first one issue then another!! :BangHead:
my family doctor put me on Prednisone , that's what the statin drugs kill in some peoples body -----working for me .
Will be a tapering off thing , sometimes takes a yr.
Lookup Mayo health clinic for the run down ...I typed in "what causes a 78 yr. old man to loose muscle strength and have extreme muscle and joint pain" , got the mayo clinic website , then told my doctor what I found , he blood tested me and confirmed it . Walking at least 7 miles a week right now and started doing some lite weight lifting , and stretching exercises , and its working for me ...