360 Questions.. pardon my ignorance.

I found this but it doesn't help much if at all. I've got 99 vacuum ports but none of them are labeled for the vac advance. Unless they're calling it an OSAC valve in this diagram.

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That “OSAC” port is the one I’m using for the advance cannister.

This happened to me once and it ended up being a reverse polarity at the pick-up coil. This sent the ECU into a dither and it couldn't figure out exactly when to fire. Funny thing is it would idle just fine. The strobe only went whacky when the throttle was opened.

Quick question;
Why are you trying to idle a pure-stock 360 at 1000 rpm, and 14* Idle-Timing. If you're having issues at 600, figure that out first.

Here's a tip:
24 years ago I had a 292/292/108 cam in my Hi-compression 367, and that beast was able to idle down to 550 in gear (manual trans) and pulling itself with just 5* advance. The point is; that what you think is making the engine happy, may not be.
backing the timing up to maybe 8*(VA disconnected), resetting the Idle speed to 600 in gear, and twiddle the mixture screws for best quality idle. Then connect the VA to the sparkport. This assumes the fuel-level is set correctly, and that ALL the air that the engine is getting, besides the PCV, is coming in past the throttle blades. If your intake is sucking air from somewheres else, all bets are off.

I guess at this point I’ve read so many varying ideas, numbers, methods and adjustments that I’m probably chasing my tail. The vague consensus I came to was 12- 14 degrees initial and all in timing around 32-34 seemed to be about the average people suggested.

It’s set at 1000rpm because it drops to 550-600 in gear (auto). In gear it idles fine and will pull itself along without issue until the tiniest part of throttle is applied where it stumbles a little. I guess I will start by backing off the initial timing and make sure it’s adjusted while idled down.