Are Speedmaster Heads Good? I've Heard a Lot of Bad Press on Edelbrock 340 Heads Lately

No, thats an amazing improvement from a head swap, at that performance point! 50 hp maybe. 75 maybe too.

Edit: Wallace says a 500hp/3000lb/7.07 goes to 600hp/3000lbs/6.65.
If you got that JUST from a head swap... those speedmasters must have been garbage!
How can the speedmasters be garbage? I paid $440 with shipping for mine (bare castings) on black friday 2020, so with good hardware I have $8-900 in the heads. Best 1/8 mile on mine in a 3320lb car was 7.21 at 94mph in the 1/8th, seems like good ET economy to me. Granted the tricklflows are much better but for what I have into them I would challenge anyone to beat them. I have 3.5 seasons and about 500 passes on the motor to this point.