360 Questions.. pardon my ignorance.

The plot thickens! Found the passenger side of the intake damp with fuel when I went to pull the carb.. turns out the screws in the bottom of it were not tight at all. So I snugged those, confirmed the ones up top, set the idle screws to 2.5 turns out and the idle transfer slot to a square.

Got the carb remounted, kinked off the vacuum advance, fired it up and adjusted the initial timing down to 5 degrees BTDC at 650rpm. The ignition bounce appears to be gone so I’m hoping it was a minor vacuum leak in the carb where it was loose, that said I thought I fixed it with the grounds so we’ll see. I unkinked the vacuum advance and it’s now pulling around 20-22 degrees at idle and it progressively increases with throttle added.

So now! Next steps.. once it’s warm it wants to stall out, so do I simply adjust the idle screw even though it’s going to tweak the transfer slot relationship with the throttle plates? If I hold just the weight of my foot on the pedal and bring it up to 650-750 it idles great.

Then after that it’s confirming the tip-in stumble is gone and the overall timing is safe?

EDIT: Oh and as an aside, I kept the vacuum advance on the OSAC port. From my understanding this went, originally, to a valve that would delay the timing advance. The consensus was bypassing the valve like my motor already is so there is no delay and the advance happens immediately.