Putting up a shop in CA - fire department being a pain

Hire a good lawyer and have him tell them to go F@@k themselves. That would not fly where we live in Illinois. The only time we ever had the government try and infringe upon our constitutional right to freedom and privacy was when the city said we had too many cars. This was an ordinance "violation" that was not passed by a referendum of popular vote but rather by a small-town board. I had to threaten to sue the city board members individually and as a result they would have to pay their own attorney fees. That was the last I heard of it and we bought 2 more cars!

The constant 2nd Amendment infringements make me question your statement.....
Then he would have to pay the 'Skeedaddle tax' that has been imposed on people fleeing the state.

I've never understood this. If you're turning your tail to those pricks, why would you even pay this? By the time they figured out you bailed, aren't you already gone?
I had to pay a 2.76% "excise" tax for the privelage of moving out of Washington state 2 years ago. Bastards.

Again, how the hell does this even work? Did you leave your money behind or something?
How have I ever survived here in Tx. or Mo.? Rural volunteer fire department, old (ancient) equipment, NO hydrants, no silly fees and BS costs, redneck firefighters... how in the heck do they ever put out a fire? :BangHead:

I know exactly what you mean. I wake up every day thanking God that I didn't manage to off myself in my sleep, seeing as how the gummint isn't here holding my hand all hours of the day and night to protect me from myself.