Changing crankshaft bearings with the engine in the car.

I bought the lift in 2015. I built the shop in 2006 with the intention of installing a car lift.
I am still fully capable of "flat back" work but this is so much better. I lose perspective of what is the left and what is the right when I'm laying down. Standing while working is a lot easier.
i was just goofin' about the lift. i have one too, and while it's sooo much nicer to work standing up, it seems like i've always got a car on it and one underneath torn apart and unmoveable and two parked up land locking evertything. which, now as i type that out sounds more of a "me" problem than i'd care to admit.

pro tip: if you put your hands out in front of you, the one that makes an L with your index finger and thumb is not your right.