PTFE For Fuel Line - Conductive vs Non-conductive

I have not read everything in this thread, but I'm gonna assume (you know what happens then) that the difference is whether cloth wrapped ptfe, or stainless wrapped.
The difference is actually in the liner itself. The conductive ptfe has a carbon impregnated ptfe liner which is typically black or dark blue. The non-conductive stuff has a clear/white-ish tubing as the liner.

The funny thing about conductive vs non-conductive is that ethanol itself is conductive, though gasoline isn't. But since my pump gas is up to 15% EtOH, logic would say this is a non-issue, but who knows...

Most of the ptfe line on the market is not conductive and I've yet to see or even read about a car fire started by an arcing fuel line caused by use of non-conductive ptfe. Hell, rubber is non-conductive and how many millions of feet of that stuff has been used for fuel line over the years.