Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?

Experienced beer drinkers ?

I hate to admit it but been doing this BS for 'bout 50 years and mucho consumption. Coors for a few, Heineken, Corona, Dos Equis, Becks, Bass, Guinness Stout, Tsing- Tao, Kirin, Sapporo ,Carta Blanca, Lucky Lager, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Hamms, Shlitz among some others I'm sure to have left out.

My go to is Miller Lite ( tastes great & less filling) lol but one of my old favorites was San Miguel Dark picked up at $ 2.99 a six pack in about '85.

I'm still estimating total beer count over 50 years and screw naysayers as I love my beer and have worked my tail off to enjoy life and all that entails