Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?

Beer is very regional. Here is the midwest (Missouri) Budweiser used to be the "King of Beers". My buddy used to always have a case in the garage fridge and that's what I drank when I was over at his house. I recently had a couple at a local bar and it was not the same. Like was mentioned earlier, less carbonation and it definitely tasted sweeter.

Hamm's is now my go to American lager beer. It is cheap and tastes good. A Chicago magazine did a blind taste test with about 50 beers and Hamm's came out on top. Some people will not agree, but hey, that's what makes the world go round. Your results may vary. My buddy insists on drinking his raspberry stout mocha IPA at $6 a bottle because some local rapper or athlete endorses it. Whatever.