Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?

Beer is very regional.

Bingo! We have friends and relatives in PA who swear by Yuengling, and while I've had "more than a few", it's just not my cuppa. And when they are here on a visit and ask for some Summit, they don't really care for it, but they're polite about it.

Before I tore the meniscus in both knees I was a hard core cyclist. You know, the kind that a lot of the guys here make fun of. Anywhooooo, cycling and beer drinking seemed to go hand in hand with a lot of my buddies, and many of the rides they organized seemed to be little more then micro-brew hopping (no pun intended) in and around the Twin Cities area. As a long distance rider I didn't really care for these rides, but I did learn a lot about beer....

I've never been much a Bud drinker, but I too noticed a change a while back. My advice to you would be: Tastes change, and if you no longer care for it, move on, as there is no shortage of lagers & pilsners out there. Find a place that offers "flights" of different beers, and you may be surprised at what you like. If it wasn't for these I would have never discovered my affinity for amber ales.

Life is too short to drink bad beer.