Too Hot

195 is not hot but you old guys go on keep thinking that 60's bs and runs your engines too cold.

Years of going very fast using modern instrumentation and tuning cars that will beat up whatever you m:steering:ight be driving tell the truth. Put a wideband af meter on these cold engines and show the logging data....
You will be surprised...

Thanks for the tips. I appreciate your youth and inexperience.

When you grow up and learn to make power with higher than orthodox compression ratios then you can give me tuning tips.

And for your edification I suggest you check around on here. A few have learned to reduce coolant temperatures with great success.

And not all of them are old, although your ageism is silly.

So you keep running hot engines and losing power.

The OEM’s are boxed in by laws and nonsense. My carbon footprint is as large as I can get it.

The OEM’s will clearly put power below styling (see the Ford Mustang) and they will give up whatever power they have to do they meet CAFE standards.

Once you hit middle age you can learn these things and then maybe you’ll see how ridiculous you are.

EDIT: my 45 plus years of racing this garbage and tuning in it, plus the instrumentation on my dyno show every single time that cooler temps (IF you know how to tune for it) makes more power every single time.

You can have your own opinions but facts are facts.