Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?

Bingo! We have friends and relatives in PA who swear by Yuengling, and while I've had "more than a few", it's just not my cuppa. And when they are here on a visit and ask for some Summit, they don't really care for it, but they're polite about it.

Before I tore the meniscus in both knees I was a hard core cyclist. You know, the kind that a lot of the guys here make fun of. Anywhooooo, cycling and beer drinking seemed to go hand in hand with a lot of my buddies, and many of the rides they organized seemed to be little more then micro-brew hopping (no pun intended) in and around the Twin Cities area. As a long distance rider I didn't really care for these rides, but I did learn a lot about beer....

I've never been much a Bud drinker, but I too noticed a change a while back. My advice to you would be: Tastes change, and if you no longer care for it, move on, as there is no shortage of lagers out there. Find a place that offers "flights" of different beers, and you may be surprised at what you like. If it wasn't for these I would have never discovered my affinity for amber ales.

Life is too short to drink bad beer.
I agree. I've traveled and in Alaska its "Alaskan Amber" upstate NY near the Canadian border its "Molson Canadian" you just have to look around or ask the bartender what's what wherever you are.