Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?

Well, being a Canadian beer drinker, I've tried a lot of beers in Canada and the U.S.A. when I was down there in my 20s and that was a lot...
Yeah, tastes change, but so do the beers.
My go to in the U.S. was Coors or Miller High Life.
It still is.
I had my fair share of Pabst Blue Ribbon, Stroh's, Olympia, Busch, Hamm's, Bud, Schlitz, Colt 45, Michelob and them all.
They were all okay, but I default to Coors or Miller when I'm in the U.S.
Here in Canada, I don't like Molson Canadian or Pilsner.
I used to be a big fan of Labatt's Blue, but it has changed like some people have said about Bud.
Moosehead is good and so is Schooner and we get them here in Western Canada in specialty stores.
Just like Molson Export ale and Labatt's 50 ale.
My go to here now is Kokanee, it is very smooth and doesn't have an aftertaste.
A new discovery is a beer from the Philippines called Red Horse.
It's a strong beer which is 8% alcohol compared to 5% for most beer (not light) and it is strong with no after taste.
I've never been a fan of craft beers.
Or home made beers for that matter...
Actually, my favorite brand of beer is free beer.
It tastes great!