Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?

I used to be a beer drinker but I switched to bourbon and rye a few years ago. Coors Light was the favorite back in the late 70's and 80's. It was crisp and clean back then when the Coors family brewed it. I still enjoy a nice craft beer from a cool brewery an hour away. Oatmeal stouts are a favorite. I brew some of my own as well.

They still brew Coors in the U.S. . Up until a couple years ago I used to live across the street from the Coors brewery in Golden Colorado. We used to hit golf balls from my front lawn onto the roof of the factory. They also have a free brewery tour where you got two fresh beers at the end of the tour. It was served in special fluted glasses at optimum temperature for the best taste. Also, the river that you see on the Coors bottles, that's a real river. It comes out of the mountain and goes directly into the factory. Me and my friends tube down that river all the time in the summer. There's a gate at the end of the river to keep people from floating into the factory and becoming a beer.