Honduh Challenger

I always wanted to put a mild 340/904(999? low gear? (May have required a short trans from a RV or something?) shortened 8 3/4 in a 2nd Gen Challenger there was a nice one looked like what we call B3 ( light met-blue) mint blue insides
But thought it would be to butchered up if I did it. So never got the car. Woukd gave been a great street car.
Way better than a 5.0 Stang. Ya know the car Ma Mopar should have made.
Kinda like the Daytona kits guys used. BTW Kits were almost nothing more than a new K Frame.
Back then I drank a lot and lots of things Would Have Been Done Gud-Enough. Ya know would have had guys dogs at car cruises Go-In Ruff Ruff