preserving new vehicle?

I had a 94 Dakota, that I bought in 96 with 10,000 miles.
Every time I changed the oil, I popped the door panels loose, and poured oil in the bottom of the doors, took the tail-lights out and sprayed as much as I could back thru the bed. If there was any oil left, I took the bed liner out and put the rest onto of the bed.
It was driven year round, when I sold it to my neighbor, it had then about 120,000 miles and was rust-free.
His son drove it for several more years, then I seen it running around town for many more years, it was still showing no sign of rust.

I should have kept that truck 6 cyl magnum, 5-speed, 3.55 gear sure-grip, standard cab, shortbox.

The only thing I did beside maintence was one water pump, it was just weeping slightly, and a fuel pump, that would not pump good under 1/4 tank of fuel. Never left me walking.
when visiting friends in Wisconsin ages ago, I saw a big bumper 4 door Nova on jackstands. it was the guys winter vehicle, dents but no visible rust. all summer long, whenever he changed oil, he would dump the old oil in the doors and trunk turn downs. good thing he had a gravel driveway and the EPA didn't catch wind of it.