Electric Power Steering conversion kit question

Well I searched the net and the owners manual for an adjustment as I expected to find one, I never did. In a car without a computer control I would expect the electronic assist to be more analog, rather than continuously variable.

As to whether my comment is usefully, well it is an experience I had, maybe it is not your experience.

It's not really your duty to decide if others experiences are usefully or not to the OP.

But thanks for sharing.

I just pointed out that unless you’re going to bother even sharing the make and model there’s really no point considering it. There are a lot of cars using EPS out there, and I’m absolutely sure that some of them are better systems than others. To discount the entire technology simply because a car you won’t disclose wasn’t to your liking is not in fact useful, because those of us that actually want to learn about the technology can’t even look up the car in question and see if it’s an issue with that cars steering design, or the software running it, or just a poorly designed or cheap system. We can’t look and see if others share your opinion of that cars EPS either, maybe it’s a common problem/complaint with that car and we should look at why, or maybe you’re just an outlier.

Not all EPS systems are the same, there are a lot of different ways to accomplish EPS and even more ways to tune/control it. So unless someone wanted to use the EPS system out of that car in particular it may not be a relevant comment, and since none of us even know the car in question we can’t get any information beyond your vague negative impression.

Your experience isn’t useless, but your comment as currently posted is 100% useless for anyone wanting to actually learn how EPS works or whether it’s an option for them.