1966/'69 A100 Twins Build

go on admit it, you don't really want it to go......... at least for a while. you're still in the 'honeymoon' period with it now it's all done and looking so good so i don't blame you for putting some miles on it. :thumbsup:

Honestly I don’t enjoy driving it that much. It’s 40-60 miles to town and the nearest shows. To get there in a reasonable amount of time half is 75 MPH roads. That is NOT gonna happen, these were made to putt around town fixing gas meters. 55 MPH is all I want to go in it. I’ll take my cars with AC! I LOVE staring at it and people’s reaction at shows but I need to find a way to teleport it to the show or move so it is just an in town drive (what these are really made for)