Putting up a shop in CA - fire department being a pain

What are the requirements in the municipal code? Has your permit been approved?

Permit has been approved and construction can begin but I cannot get the final sign off until the county fire gives their approval. Which is odd because what happens if I get the building erected and the driveway doesn't pass the compaction test? I now have to tear it down?

Unless there is something else in the state's fire code (that cannot be found online for free), then I believe the bolded part below proves that they are implementing the fire code incorrectly against me. Problem is we're dealing with humans here. If I just walk in and show this to their subject matter expert, they aren't just going to say "hey you're right, we'll approve your plans right now". Their ego is going to push back on this because I'm essentially saying "you're wrong and I'm right". I need to find a tactful way of going about this when I go in there next week.

So far not a single geological engineering company will sign off on compaction testing certifying the dirt for 75k lbs. At minimum they want a compacted 4" gravel driveway put in and a couple companies want 10" of compacted gravel before they'll do the test.

Here's what I found on their code appendix page:

Driveways for access to one- and two-family dwellings, shall conform to the following criteria as applicable:
1. Driveways serving one parcel with no more than five structures shall be a minimum of twelve (12) feet in width. The chief may require up to a twenty (20) foot wide driveway when more than five structures exist.
2. Roadways serving more than one parcel, but less than five parcels, shall be a minimum twenty (20) feet in width. Roadways serving five parcels or more shall be no less than 24 feet in width.
3. Vertical clearance shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet.
4. When the driveway exceeds 150 feet in length, provide a turnout at the midpoint. For driveways not exceeding 400 feet in length, the turnout may be omitted if full sight distance is maintained. If the driveway exceeds 800 feet in length, turnouts shall be no more than 400 feet apart.
5. When a driveway exceeds 300 feet in length, a turnaround shall be provided no greater than 50 feet from the structure.
6. The driveway must be provided with an all-weather surface capable of supporting a 75,000 lb. vehicle loading. When the road grade exceeds ten (10) percent, the road shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete.