Have you ever lost

AJ, the shortest comment I ever seen you make. I even read the whole comment. I just didn't understand what you said.
Well, that was 55 years ago. and my memory is like a sliding window in time. Old memories get shoved into a dark corner to make way for new memories. So I have to be careful when I talk about "the old days", cuz those old memories don't always come out of storage, in the same condition as they went in. So I try to keep them short.
I have, tho, noticed false memories come out of that dungeon. After I haul one out, my wife might say, "that's NOT how it happened, and then she'll tell me how it really went down Since she's 4 years younger, Ima hoping her memory is better than mine; but honestly, most of the time I think she's just making chit up.
But you know, I made her a Promise on our wedding day, so I just shut up; cuz, what if I'm wrong......... So then she asks me, "how come you never talk to me anymore".........
So Ima thinking,
we've been married almost 48 years, what they heck have we got to talk about. Lemmee squeeze your soft bits, and maybe we'll see what comes up? But, I can't say that,cuz then she calls me a pervert. and then the fight's on. In about ten more years, one of us likely gonna be dead, and the other will be released from the Covenant.
Did you know
that when Sara died, old Abraham took a young bride of child-bearing age who bore him, IIRC, six more sons and a daughter? I mean try not to imagine that.
Nobody talks about Keturah, but I bet old-Abe, at 175, died a happy pervert, I mean man.
But I digress.