(2)450 DP's vs (2)750 DP's

Ok, not going to go through the 4 tunes I’ve been working through the last week or so, but here’s the latest.
.032 IFR
.067 IAB
56/66 mains
.026 MAB
8.5 PV
.033 PVR
.024/blocked/.024 Emulsion

Running really well. The AFR’s are fairly steady to 40mph (14-14.5) At about 45-50 or so she’s peaking at 15 but she doesn’t seam to complain. After that she mellows out in the 13-13.5 range up to 80 or so mph where she starts going a bit richer. Overall pretty happy. Haven’t done any major data gathering yet. However our club did a 3hr cruise through 2 different cities visiting some retirement facilities and a fallen police officer’s home yesterday afternoon/evening. Car ran flawlessly.

I tried a few other tunes with smaller mains and may go back there with a .024 MAB just to see the difference. The logical side of my brain says to cover up the AFR gauge and drive the crap out it though! Been an interesting journey visiting the smaller emulsion and MAB thought. I’m not hating it for sure! Big shout out to @Newbomb Turk for the input and encouragement throughout the process.

And for those that know me, you all know this ain’t over!