Getting fed up...

And I know I'm not the only one.
This is a parts rant. Replacement parts have become such a hit-and-miss proposition, it seems like it's at less than 50/50 odds anymore. Every time I order parts (and it doesn't matter where the source is, O'Reiley, Napa, Rock- they all sell the same crap now) it seems like half of them go back. Just in the past weeks I've dealt with defective or incorrect master cylinders, fuel pumps, voltage regulators, fuel filters, tires; and timing chains that have more slop in them than the one I'm replacing... seems like half of my "car time" is spent returning or repairing/rebuilding "new" parts, and that's not an exaggeration. And the source doesn't matter anymore, either- what used to be the "quality/go-to" brands are just as bad as everyone else. And it's not just offshore junk, a lot is made domestically too. This is getting to be frustrating as H*ll, and I'm actually beginning to think it would be a better investment of my time and money to just sell it all and take up stamp collecting. Well, that ain't gonna happen- but the thought has occurred to me more than once. But this has definitely taken most of the fun and enjoyment out of the hobby for me. It's becoming a chore that I don't look forward to anymore. I've quit doing side jobs and repairs for anyone else, since I can't guarantee any kind of quality or satisfaction, and I ain't going to put my name on the line for things that are out of my control.
Rant over for now.
This is nothing new. I remember going to NAPA and CarQuest multiple times with garbage remanufactured alternators one weekend. We finally clued in and made them test them before we accepted them.