I Think I Don't Want These Computers in Cars Anymore

My BIL's wife has an accord with 400K on it.
Drives fine but literally every sensor that can display a code on the dash is malfunctioning.
It's like Christmas riding with her.

My '15 Renegade just turned 109K and thankfully the only sensor issue is a "license light out" warning that's wrong.

I take that back...one of the TPS monitors failed and I had to outsmart the car to figure out which one.
Whoever programmed that system is an idiot.
When one sensor goes, it disables the input to the screen from all of them.
...but the car still knows the pressures and location of the other three.
Sure would have been a LOT easier to find the bad one if I could have seen the readouts of the three that were still working.
Instead, I had to systematically reduce the pressure in all the tires, one at a time, and wait for it to tell me which one was low (but not display the actual pressure).
When I got to the one that was faulty, I got no warning.
BTW- they say "not serviceable", but that's not true.
They have 2032 or similar watch batteries inside.