Stock Market

I trade a lot with Fibs.

The dreaded 1/16th quotes. ugh Emotions and respecting stops is a huge EGO barrier.

I remember when options expiration was a royal screw job for retail. If you had an option and it wasn't at least .25 or more in the money, it wouldn't get auto-executed. LOL... The brokers/MM's were stealing that from clients. At least now if it's .01, they execute it.

So much easier to trade now than in the 90's. $20 each way for a stock transaction back then, and that was at discount brokers. oof...

Yeah, and a cell phone, - crap, truck knocked down phone line, no cells, running to corner store to phone broker , lol

End of day settlement found I had bought 1000 share of something I had been watching, but never bought, - turns out my daughter saw our cat walk over the keyboard, I had "hot keys" touch 2 keys simultaneously to buy/sell.
Cat bought shares,
No animal was injured .
Funny now, expensive then . . lol