340 or 408?

Turk, I think you and I are on opposite sides of the coin.
Engine masters did a comparison test of a 500hp sbc, and a 500hp bbc.
The 363" chevy rpm-ed like mad, cost about half again as much as the 454, needed better gas and much more gear.
The 454 made the same power, WAY more torque at street car levels, and would have been much more livable on the street, cheaper gas, better mileage, less freeway rpm. (and I believe if optimized, faster at the track)
I suspect you would take the 363, with 4.56. I'd take the 454, with 3.55.

You make the assumption I would build something the way Freiberger would. Not likely.

Second, yours (and theirs) is a piss poor example and it's a shame people do **** like this. They ought to be ashamed for pulling the wool over people's eye like that.

I watched that episode and lost a ton of respect for ALL of them. They are shoveling horseshit and they have to know it.

In my above example, I left everything the same except stroke. That's THE issue is it not? You think everyone wants to drive a tractor engine. I know I detest **** that drives like that. Always have. And its usually slower too.

In your example, they changed everything to make the test fit their narrative. And that I more than hate.

So lets see, how did they willingly and knowingly manipulate the results? They tried to compare a small block to a big block.

Only a sniveling moron would do that. Or, someone with an agenda does nasty **** like that. Again, they should be ashamed for producing garbage like that.

Why do I say that? Because the increase in bore size is HUGE. I know there is a whole contingent out there who think bore size is useless (or close to it) and stroke is everything. That's wrong.

What else? How about bore spacing? That's just as critical as bore size and they go together. Bigger bore spacing, bigger bores. Bigger bores, bigger valves. Of course, with wider bore spacing and room for bigger valves means you'll have more room for bigger ports.

I could go on showing other examples of what a flimflam test that was.

In your case, I would build the longest stroke I could for you because that's what YOU love.

We have the OP, who says he LOVES his 4.56's and we have a bunch of guys posting **** about ****.

He doesn't have an issue with the gears, but most guys do. So instead of helping the guy, we talk him into something he doesn't want.
