Route 66 map/book recomendations

Great!! Looking forward to your pics of your journey!!

hope to take a ton.

big decesion now for us is, do we go to chicago for a picture of the start of 66 sign and to hang a day or so. that was my first thought since we have a few extra days to get to ozark race track or do i go to st.louis and check out a muesum (A Historic Kansas City Attraction | The Arabia Steamboat Museum) i've wanted to go to for a few years now and just hand there for a day or two. just afraid of drive to chicago and only being able to spend a real limited amout of time there for just a picture of a sign. i'd live to check out the muesum in st.louis and thats only like 3 hours from the strip we have to be at on the 10th. i'm sure we can be tourists in st.louis for two days or so...