A833 questions

@jos51700 has the right idea about the chipped teeth on the reverser. It's not a big deal a'tall. Just be sure to make sure there aren't any loose bits on the teeth, and be sure to clean the case very well since that's were the remnants went.

Forgive me for making the assumption, but I'm guessing you've got either a nail file or emery boards. Either one is 'bout perfect for getting burrs off the snap-ring edge of the splines. Just set your abrasive in the snap-ring groove and get after it. Either also works pretty well on the splines themselves. Give that a try first before beating it apart (although it may come to that).

When you reinstall the reverse detent assembly, have the transmission in reverse. I didn't a couple of transmissions back, and the ball ended up rolling around inside the transmission. Of course, this is something you discover after the transmission's in the car and won't go into reverse (because in my case, the ball wedged itself under the internal reverse lever). Removing and reinstalling the side cover in the car isn't impossible, but it's somewhere south of enjoyable.