A833 questions

I just filed a bit and it came apart with my nail file;) (kidding) I'm so glad to see you guys making observations and advice;) To be honest, I'm no expert, but I can't find anything obviously wrong except for (I'll post the one thing I found in the next post). I don't mind going through this process of overhauling this transmission, just further education. The syncronizers seem ok, the teeth look ok, non terribly worn.
I'm going to re-assemble as a practice once I get everything spic n span clean. IT'll be a good learning thing;)

A833 disassemblyb.jpg

A833 disassemblya.jpg

A833 disassembly.jpg

A833 disassemblyh.jpg

A833 disassemblyg.jpg

A833 disassemblyf.jpg

A833 disassemblye.jpg

A833 disassemblyd.jpg

On the left, when I put the syncronizer on that "drum", it doesn't drag and kind of rubs on the spring thing~ argh, I'll make a mini video, I may have the sync in the wrong place. As good as I was trying to keep everything in line, I may have messed that idea up:(
A833 disassemblyc.jpg