Route 66 map/book recomendations

I just got home from a 5282 mile road trip in my Dart that included all of Route 66. If there is anything that I can do in terms of up to date information or site specific suggestions let me know.

thanks.. not sure what toi good thing is i will be following a specific route that the event provides... i have maps and book so hopefully i can find stuff othert hent he the event check points that i waant to see.... if i think of something i'll let ya know...

whats the driveline combo of your dart? i have a mild 360,904 and 3.23 gears.. thinking of going 2.94 or 2.76 over the winter.. i only put around town, don't race it so i'd rather have it a highway cruiser so i can do more road trips.. not sure what i wan yet though.. i guess i'll be able to tell more after this trip.