Noisy Demon trunk lid?

Also, this is not an idea for many/nowadays, but here is something we would do in the old days to quickly/easily figuring this out would be to find a volunteer to jump in the trunk while taking her out for a quick spin. They could listen to identify the cause in person. In modern times you can put a GoPro camera in the trunk, and or remove rear seat back with liner, and bring along a passenger to do some observing while you drive. Good luck.

As I don't have any Go-pro, I will try to find a volunteer :lol:

If the noise sounds tinny, I would suspect that the sealer between the exterior sheet metal and the underside support bracing has separated. If the sealant has turned loose, try this experiment, fold a couple of pieces of cardboard and put it between the bracing and the sheet metal. If the noise goes away, there is the problem.

The sound isn't tiny. It's loud....
And it's impossible to put a cardboard piece between the bracing and the sheet metal : no opening except the ones for the wing.