340 or 408?

I can understand a numbers matching build. It has stock wheels, tires, gears, exhaust, intake so forth and so on. Just like it was factory built. Peppy little car. Cool cruiser. Neato. I truly understand it

I also understand hotrods. You have a car that's been altered, to achieve "x". Maybe now it's a 10 second street brawler. Neato.

Now... what I don't understand is ... you're willing to modify all kinds of things on your car. 456 gears, aftermarket everything. But.... heaven forbid....we can't change that crank stroke. It's like, the least intrusive mod in the book. Hell in a SB Mopar with a 4" crank, most of the time you don't even need to clearance the block. Or it's very minimal. And, I suppose.. . you could easily put a stock stroke back in.

I can't for the life of me understand this.