First Magnum and problems

Im trying to get my first 360 magnum ready to drop in. I’ve probably done 12-15 LA motors in my lifetime. The problems Im having is the crank is hitting the oil pump when I try and turn the engine over by hand. Got another oil pump and the casting is the same. Old stock pump has more clearance in that spot. Tried to clearance one pump and made a hole in the pump after removing just a little bit. Thinking about trying to swap the guts from the new one to the old pump.
Second issue is Im not 100% sure how to tighten the rocker arms down on the magnum. I don’t see the “v8” mark on my crank like the book says to line up with TDC. Do you have to go through the firing order and tighten one set at a time or can you just tighten them all at once like an LA engine and not turn the engine over ?
