340 or 408?

You wouldn’t understand the work.

I posted a bunch of math in another thread and I was told if I have to use math I’m stupid. You think I don’t use math so you think I’m stupid.

Whats stupid is you jumping in this thread specifically to **** with me and the mods allow it.

You are a passive aggressive clown. I knew that when you asked the first question.

I’ll show you nothing. What I do know is I own your mind. I’m eating away at your mind because all you can do is say show the math or my work.

Both have been posted here before.

Do a search. Or better yet, just go away. You have nothing to add and all you can tell the OP is he needs a 4 inch crank because you have one and you can’t be wrong because you are the smartest dude on the forum.

I could post my oiling system mods but you’d never get it. Honestly, most guys won’t.

One who would get it is PBR. If he saw what I do he’d get it. But I’m not talking and neither is he.

So showing you anything is above your pay grade.

Or write a big fat check. That’s what you do best. And run your mouth out of your lane.
Have you ever sought counseling? I’m sure you’re an intelligent guy, you just think your way is the only way.

I do write checks for head porting and machine work, not for assembly. You apparently have the equipment to do it, congrats.

Nothing wrong with short stroke engines, I’ve built several. My 434 is 4.125” stroke, a tractor engine. LOL