340 or 408?

Where did I say my way is the only way?

Did you read the first page of this thread? If you do, stop writing checks for car parts and **** and pay a tutor to teach you to read.

The OP loves his 340. That hurts your feelings. He loves his 4.56’s. You hate that because you can’t use that gear on the street.

Go back and read what I said to him in my first post.

I’m going to type this very slow so maybe you can understand.

I will never build anything for myself with a 4 inch crank for ME.

I do it for customers after I tell them they’d do better with less stroke, but rather than listen to an engine builder, they listen to the internet because it’s never wrong.

You need counseling dude. Your reading comprehension is horrible and your passive aggressive nature shows you aren’t comfortable in your own skin.
Okay. I too ran 4.57’s behind a 340, it’s not a earth shattering idea. You’re the internet winner. Please carry on.