Long Johns Silvers batter recipe

What kind of oil do you guys use for deep frying that won't kill you .
canola is probably the best all around in terms of price point and being forgiving on temp, and it kinda rides in the middle of it's not the absolute worst for you.

ideally you want a monounsaturated fat-- olive, avocado, canola; and it needs to be stable with a suitable smoke point-- so olive is out, and it should be neutral, leaving avocado ($$) and canola.

lard and tallow are wonderful, but have a relatively low smoke point and are not very forgiving temp wise.

also, it depends on what you're cooking. fish absolutely needs a neutral oil and you want something that you can blast heat wise to crisp up the batter and not pulverize the fish, where as chicken fried steak or fried chicken is a lot more forgiving on the cook temp/duration as well as imbedded oil flavor. fries can become the star of the show if you use lard or tallow with them.