Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning Mopar Med Men...
I hate going to the doctor as well. They make you wait three or four weeks for an appointment. Usually by the time of the appointment, you dont need them anymore. If you do, and you go, they make you wait, usually 30-45 mins, when you are on time. Put you in a room with a nurse to take your vitals, and then wait another 20-30 mins for the Doctor, who spends approximately 5 minutes with you, and sends you on your way. Then, they'll usually send you an astronomical bill for services beyond medical insurance coverage. Ohhh and dont forget or be late for your appointment. They will (try) to bill you for that. I have often thought about sending the Doctors Office a bill for MY time that they have wasted...... :lol:
I figure the next time I'll see a doctor, it'll be on a gurney of some sort and I may or may not recall the encounter