Another boat question

So starter doesn't appear to be working. Of course this was after taking last part of day off work to fish and i unload it in the water. I thought it was batteries but they both load tested fine.
Bendix on starter seems "lazy". Will not turn motor over. Put rope on the pull start and am able to pull it over. It is snug tho. I dread the day I have to do that on the water.
I removed it and tested on shop floor with battery, bendix shoots out fine and spins good.
So I reinstalled, had lori try to start.
1 get 3.7 v at copper stud(1st pic). Then I chk main battery +ve on starter while key is in start. I get 12.5V there.
Suggestions? It's like it's lost it's torquing ability if that makes sense.
The pull start takes a good pull and like I said I dread ever having to use it, I'll end up in the lake.




