Cam Phasing

so I need to advance it 4-degrees... right?
Only if you want to run it where the cam grinder recommends to.
Actually to run it where he recommends, your other parameters need to match up as well''' Like specified usage, cylinder pressure, gears, and stall.
Just cuz the cam card says plus 4* doesn't mean that's what is best.
For example;
My engine has a clutch and a preponderance of cylinder pressure , So I don't need the cam-advance. I'd rather give those 4* to the powerstroke, and increase the potential for fuel-economy.
When you get down to basics, every cam has it's own signature of total number of degrees that are available for Compression and Power-extraction. Typically, you might see 230 degrees. And typically you might see 125* to compression and 105 to power. But, if you already have more compression than you need , then you can give some degrees to Power extraction and pick up some efficiency and with that, usually comes more MPG. If your engine spends most of it's life racing, you might sacrifice some of that 105 Power and give to Compression cuz Pressure is heat is torque is power.
At best from 4*retarded to 8*advanced is your window, any more than that is gonna start killing your Overlap cycle and that spells a powerloss, throughout the rpm band.
Putting the cam in at +4*, on a split-pattern cam, generally, will center the overlap. , and a well-placed overlap, generally will produce the most average power in third gear, where the race track wants it. But on the street, that is not always the case, especially with a torqueflite that drags the 1-2 shift down to 59%. From 5500 that drops to 3245, and if your torque peak is not until 4000, well, that's crap. So that's where your Cylinder Pressure better come on line, and your Overlap better come alive. That's where the 4* advance van pullup your bottom end. But............ if the pressure puts you engine into detonation, then just maybe that 4* is too much, and now you are forced into buying the next higher octane gas. Which for the other 95% of the time is way more octane than you need. which just drives your cost per mile up, needlessly.
So, you asked
so I need to advance it 4-degrees... right?
Answer, IDK
need more information.