magnum valve train questions

i just helped a friend with his magnum build and he picked up a regrind from oregon. the 2204 grind, it's 484 lift w/ 214/221 @ .50 along with the hughes 1199 kit, install was a breeze.
This came above is very similar to the lunati in my Javelin. Flat tappet though

Son wants lumpy angry sound, more than dads. SER2226ALN-10 is the Hughes cam he's after. The 222/226 duration with 110 separation is what he wants. We're trying to make that happen. Maybe we won't.

Isn't quicker ramp rates allowing for more lift over the same duration part of having a roller cam?

Again, maybe it will end up being too costly for ALL the parts to use this cam. Thats what we are trying to find out.